Wednesday 23 October 2013

Why Use Stretch Wrap?

Many businesses which are connect with warehousing or moving using many different tools to make their lives easier. Moving and lifting tools, for example, are quite popular, but these aren’t the only types of tools they use. Stretch wrap is one such tool. Many people who need to store and move items use this versatile material. Of course, many people think stretch wrap is only for food. In fact, warehousing stretch wrap is very different from Saran wrap, as the former is not really food-grade quality. Now, there are many reasons why you should use stretch wrap in your warehouse or for moving.
Stretch Wrap Dispenser

One reason people use it is to protect items. Wooden items, for example, are vulnerable to scratches which can be prevented by wrapping the item with stretch wrap. Another reason to use it would be to compress materials and make more space. For example, people who are packing away clothes or blankets can use stretch wrap to remove the air from between the fibers and make more space in boxes. Now, stretch wrap can be a difficult material to work with. It can stick together and get tangled up, which is why a stretch wrap dispenser is very useful. With a stretch wrap dispenser, you can easily wrap items in stretch wrap. You can buy different types of dispensers, such as handheld ones that you can easily hold, or large industrial ones that can hold very large sheets of stretch wrap. With a dispenser on-hand, you can quickly and easily wrap your items to keep them safe.

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